Manner of Manufacture

When assessing the patentability of a patent claim, a determination is normally made by an Examiner on whether the invention is considered a manner of manufacture. 

This involves an assessment of the application to determine if the invention is actually something that a patent would be appropriate for and that is covered under patent laws. 

Manner Of Manufacture Vs Novelty & Inventiveness

When assessing novelty and inventiveness in a patent application, examiner’s look at:

  • Whether the novel features of invention as defined in the claims is a significant enough advancement when compared to the prior art; or
  • Whether it makes a significant contribution or advancement to past inventions

Conversely, the manner of manufacture deems whether the invention itself is of a suitable nature or type to be patented. Not all IP can be patented, some will fall under copyright or trademark or design instead, for example. 

Determining the manner of manufacture is only one of the requirements for patentability and does not impact on novelty and inventiveness. It is more a determination as to whether the nature of the invention is in the nature of patentable subject matter.

How Is Manner Of Manufacture Decided?

The determination of whether an invention is inherently patentable subject matter (or “manner of manufacture” in Australia) is determined on a country by country basis according to the legislation of that country . In many countries, if your invention is determined to be a scheme, plan, rules of gameplay, abstract concept, method of doing business, a “pure” scientific discovery or mathematical algorithm, or focused on intellectual or genetic information, it will likely be deemed as unpatentable.

For example, if you have developed a new business scheme or modified an existing one to a degree that is considered novel this does not mean the invention is patentable subject matter. There may not be enough technical substance to this invention to meet the manner of manufacture requirement and it may therefore not be eligible for a patent. 

Manner of manufacture determinations can be very challenging to quantify and to understand for those inexperienced with patents. 

If you are pursuing a patent and struggling with this aspect, seeking out a registered Patent Attorney is the best course of action.

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