
Patent Infringement Attorneys

Highly qualified and dedicated patent attorneys offering tailored support for individuals and businesses seeking patent registration and defence against infringement.


What Is A Patent Attorney Specialising In Infringement?

Patent attorneys who advise on infringement are skilled legal professionals who specialise in the law around patent infringement.

A patent attorney can advise on infringement from both sides of infringement - both as an alleged infringer of a patent, or on the side of the owner of a patent (patentee) where their patent is being infringed.

Experts in their field, they are across all legislation related to patents as well as those linked to design rights and trade marks.

This makes them the ideal point of contact for anyone dealing with instances of patent infringement and who are seeking a quick resolution of these issues.

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Dealing With Patent Infringement In Australia

Whether you have received a communication alleging patent infringement or need to enforce your patent against an infringer, it can be hard to know where to begin.

As the first step, regardless of which side you are on, it is necessary to establish if there is in fact infringement, applying the correct legal tests and processes that have been established by the courts. Once an opinion on infringement has been established, then the next steps would follow based on the opinion. This may be:
drafting of a cease and desist letter;
negotiating a commercial settlement;
pursuing court action; or
designing around the claims of the patent.

Proving patent infringement in these instances and achieving the preferred resolution can be both time-consuming and costly.

If you have been accused of infringing on someone else’s rights and are fearful of incurring penalties for patent infringement, you are right to be concerned.

Even if you made every effort to avoid patent infringement and have still done so, however inadvertently, this is a serious accusation and not to be ignored.

Due to the risk of complications or undesired outcomes in cases of patent infringement, no matter which side you’re on, it is highly recommended to engage a professional patent attorney.

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Can I Manage A Patent Infringement Claim Myself?

Navigating an accusation of patent infringement or discovery of infringement on your rights is understandably stressful. It can also be incredibly complex and confusing - even if your claim seems irrefutable.

Without a deep understanding of patent law and how this applies to the specifics of your situation you may find yourself completely adrift and facing damaging consequences.

Thankfully, when it comes to patent infringement claims, attorneys in this field know the exact steps to take.

Opting to work with a patent attorney on infringement ensures you have a clear action plan and that you are fully prepared for every eventuality.

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How A Patent Attorney Can Help

From drafting a firm and professional cease and desist letter, to properly responding to accusations of infringement or assisting to defend your rights in court, they can do it all.

With a patent attorney who is an expert in infringement on board, many clients find that their concerns are much more efficiently and quickly resolved than if they had managed this alone.

Additionally, you’re also much more likely to achieve the desired outcome on your claim by taking this approach.

This saves you valuable time and resources while also making a stressful time much easier.

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IP Guardian - Leading Patent Infringement Attorneys

Backed by decades of combined experience, the team at IP Guardian offers in-depth expertise in every facet of patents.

With a proven history of supporting clients to defend their patent rights or respond to accusations of infringement, our advice and services are unmatched.

We look closely at all aspects of the matter at hand and prepare an appropriate strategy. This dedicated, professional approach allows us to more effectively resolve patent infringement claims with as little stress or expense as possible.

Committed to being both affordable and accessible, we offer easy access to qualified legal advice and guarantee to achieve optimal outcomes with zero compromises on quality.

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