
Patent Analysis Services

Dedicated and highly qualified patent attorneys, offering expert advice to individuals and businesses regarding patent prosecution, analysis and defence.


What Is Patent Analysis?

Patent analysis involves an in-depth review of and research into a patent to discover insights into technology, market trends, potential collaborators, and commercial opportunities.

Through patent analysis, patent holders can gain a deeper understanding of their innovation and how to communicate this effectively.

It allows them to better formulate ideas and make well-informed decisions in areas such as policy, research, commercialisation, marketing, and licensing.

By giving comprehensive insights into knowledge and activities relevant to a patent, it can also help to identify new opportunities and/or potential partnerships within associated industries.
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The Patent Analysis Process

Proper patent analysis and the creation of an accurate patent analysis report require significant expertise and skill.

Patent analysis may involve:

- Patent searches and retrieval of relevant    documentation from applicable databases
- A review of competitor patent portfolios to identify  their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of focus
- An assessment of the current technological landscape to determine market trends and pinpoint potential for future innovation
- Identification of and research into key players, emerging technologies, and possible collaboration opportunities
- Risk assessment to eliminate the danger of infringing on another’s patent rights when leveraging discoveries from data insights (known as Freedom to Operate or FTO)
- Investigation into licensing and collaborative opportunities
- Valuation of the patent through a review of its economic potential
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Is It Possible To Analyse A Patent Myself?

While the patent analysis process may seem easy enough to manage without professional help, this is strongly advised against.

As the analysis involves so many complex considerations and expertise in researching and collating data, an inexperienced approach could see vital details missed. This could mean lost opportunities, improper valuing, accidental infringement, reduced financial gains and more.

Engaging a qualified professional to analyse your patent ensures a comprehensive approach and facilitates optimally beneficial outcomes for the patent holder.

With access to a variety of resources and an in-depth understanding of how to analyse a patent and advise on discoveries made, a patent attorney is best placed to assist.
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How A Patent Attorney Can Help

A patent attorney is highly skilled in undertaking all aspects of patent research and analysis. Specially trained in patent law, they can assist in the analysis of a patent and help you make informed decisions about its use.

Where defence of patent rights is required, they are also the ideal point of contact for managing and resolving occurrences of infringement.

Taking a systematic but careful approach, a patent attorney eliminates the stress of analysing your patent and ensures your interests are properly protected and accounted for.

Whether you have already filed for a patent and are pursuing analysis for commercial opportunities or need assistance to analyse the patentability of a new invention, a patent attorney can help.
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IP Guardian - Skilled Patent Attorneys

With decades of combined experience in patent analysis and prosecution, the support and advice available through IP Guardian’s team of qualified patent attorneys is unmatched.

No matter when or why you require assistance with analysing your patent, our professional patent analysis services promise optimal outcomes.

An investment in your patent and its potential, we guarantee a detailed, insightful and useful analysis that will support you to use your patent wisely.

Committed to making legal advice regarding patents accessible to Australian innovators, our services are affordable and reliable with zero compromises on quality.

Benefit from genuine, qualified advice from a trusted team of patent attorneys and learn more about your patent and its potential.
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