Design Examination Reports

Highly skilled and qualified design rights attorneys, offering expert personal and commercially oriented advice regarding design rights prosecution, opposition and defence.


What Is A Design Examination Report?

In Australia, a design examination report is a document prepared by an examiner at IP Australia following an assessment of your design rights application.

When you apply for a design, it will typically be checked for formalities and if it meets the formalities requirements will get the status of being “registered”. The registered design will not be examined unless this is specifically requested. It is not possible to enforce your application against others without having it examined first. After being examined and meeting the requirements, a registered design then gets the status of being “certified”.

On examination, the examiner may issue an examination report. Typically this highlights that there is a problem with your application that needs to be addressed before your application can progress and be certified.

If you have received an examination report, you will be provided with an opportunity to respond within a set timeframe. Failure to respond or an improperly prepared response may cause your application to lapse.
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Why Would I Receive An Examination Report?

Receiving a design examination report indicates that during the examination of your design rights application, concerns have been discovered. This may include problems such as:

- Your design is not new over the prior art base
- Your design is not distinctive over the prior art base

These issues can arise during a search for prior art by an examiner in which identical or substantially similar designs are discovered.

This may indicate someone else has published your design without your permission or published one of their own first that is similar. However, it can also occur when you have published a similar design previously.

How you respond to the examination report will depend on the circumstances.
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Can I Respond To A Design Examination Report Without Help?

While you can respond to an examination report without assistance, this is not advisable due to the complex nature of the reporting and the challenges in correctly addressing any concerns raised.

An inadequate response could see your application lapse. This leaves your valuable intellectual property (IP) unprotected and may place you in the frustrating position of having to prepare and submit a new application at additional cost.

For these reasons, engaging a qualified expert in design rights and design examination reports such as a patent attorney is strongly recommended.
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How A Patent Attorney Can Help

A patent attorney is a highly skilled and experienced legal expert who specialises in intellectual property law. This includes all aspects of design rights from application to examination, defence and more.

Understanding in detail how to decipher design examination reports, they are best placed to guide you on how to make the application properly in the first place, as well as to respond.

They can advise on what is required to correct any issues raised, how to achieve this and counter these concerns with evidence where possible.

Ensuring you do not miss provided deadlines, they also prevent lapses in your application, keeping your pursuit of design rights on track and protecting your valuable IP. All while reducing the stress and frustration so often associated with this process.
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IP Guardian - Skilled Design Examination Report Attorneys

Offering unmatched advice and support in all areas of design rights, IP Guardian’s team is backed by decades of experience and driven by a genuine desire to help.

If you have unexpectedly received a design examination report and have no idea how to respond or what is required to meet the examiner's requests, we can help.

Providing affordable and accessible legal advice with no compromises on the quality of service or results, we make it easier to secure your design rights and navigate any challenges.

With a reputation for integrity and a detail-oriented approach, we guarantee to support you through the design examination reporting process and achieve optimal outcomes.
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