Design Evidence Preparation

Highly skilled and qualified patent attorneys, offering personal and commercially oriented expertise regarding design rights prosecution, opposition and defence.


What Is Design Evidence Preparation?

Design evidence preparation refers to the process of gathering information and documentation to support a claim or dispute over design rights or to respond to a design examination report.

IP Australia, the governing body for intellectual property rights, accepts virtually any type of evidence, so long as it is submitted in an approved format.

Evidence preparation concerning design rights may involve sourcing a variety of evidentiary support including imagery, written statements, physical items, proof of registration and certification of a design and more.
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When Is Design Evidence Preparation Necessary?

Design evidence preparation is usually required when opposing a design rights registration or responding to a challenge to the design.

It may also be necessary when responding to an examination report following an application for design rights or when defending against infringement. The type of evidence required and how much evidence you will need to prepare will vary based on the circumstances you are in.

Examination reports tend to have very specific requests that may indicate a particular type of evidence to submit in order to overcome a noted problem.

Conversely, disputes often benefit from a broader approach where the submission of as much evidence as possible can be key to achieving the desired outcome.
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Can I Manage Design Evidence Preparation By Myself?

While it is possible to gather and prepare design evidence without professional help, it is not generally recommended to do so.

Ensuring you have the right type of evidence prepared is essential, however without experience in this area, it can be difficult to gather, prepare and put in the correct form required.

Improperly prepared evidence that is submitted in the wrong format or that fails to establish your position clearly could see your application for design rights denied or existing rights rescinded.

This is why engaging an expert in design evidence preparation in the form of a patent attorney is so strongly recommended.
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How A Patent Attorney Can Help

Highly skilled in all areas of design rights, a patent attorney is a recognised legal expert who understands in depth how to navigate requests for design evidence and its proper preparation.

Experienced in how evidence is perceived and examined, a patent attorney is best placed to advise on what evidence to include and which types will hold the most weight.

Where on your own you may struggle to find sufficient evidence or not understand how to submit it in the approved formats, a patent attorney can manage all this for you.

Best placed to provide you with tailored advice specific to your situation, having a patent attorney on your side facilitates better outcomes while also reducing stress and uncertainty.
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IP Guardian - Leading Design Evidence Preparation Attorneys

IP Guardian offers a team backed by decades of experience, providing advice and guidance regarding design rights that are unmatched elsewhere.

No matter your reasoning for requiring design evidence preparation, our team has the necessary skills and knowledge to simplify the process and achieve preferred outcomes.

Our detailed approach to evidence preparation is effective, affordable and accessible, ensuring you can secure valuable legal support without needing to compromise on quality service or results.

A trusted name in intellectual property law, we’re committed to supporting Australian business owners and individuals to secure their design rights, uphold them with strong evidence and defend against their misuse.
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